Pack the Bus - Stewpot Can Drive for Jeans

Pack the Bus - Stewpot Can Drive for Jeans

Students may bring a large canned food item and wear any Cathedral shirt with jeans (no holes above the knees). If students do not wish to participate, they must wear their full school uniform or spirit shirt with uniform bottoms.

To add to the fun of helping we have a few incentives! We are looking for 100% participation. The classes with 100% participation and the most items donated will win donuts. High School students may also receive a service hour for their donation.

The classes competing against each other for the donuts will be:

Pre-K 3 through 1st grades

2nd through 5th grades

6th through 8th grades

9th through 12th grades

Thank you for your donations!

NHS Members, Mrs. Kirkwood & Mrs. Beach

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