Cathedral Grading Scale



Cathedral Catholic School adheres to the Diocesan Department of Education approved grading system. 





Grades PK3 - 1 use the following to indicate student performance and progress: 


              M - Has Met Objective;  P - Acceptable Progress;  I - Improvement Needed;  N - Not Applicable


Grade 2 - uses the above indicators for 1st semester progress and the below numerical grading system for 2nd semester.


Grades 3-4 use a numerical grading system. Students in grades 3 and up may qualify for the Honor Roll as specified below. Numerical grades will be listed on report cards and on permanent records. The grading scale is as follows:


            A - 100 - 90

            B - 89 - 80

            C - 79 - 75

            D - 74 - 70

            F - Below 70



  1. Numerical grades will be listed on report cards and on permanent records.
  2. Semester grades will be determined on a numerical average.
  3. Exams will count 20% of the semester grade for high school credited classes and 15% for middle school.
  4. The grading scale will be:

             A - 100 - 90
             B - 89 - 80
             C - 79 - 75
             D - 74 - 70
             F - Below 70

The scale listed below will be used in determining the GPA. This scale will also be used in reporting to certain colleges.

Regular Courses
Honors or AP Courses
 A - 4 points A - 5 points
 B - 3 points B - 4 points
 C - 2 points C - 3 points
D - 1  point D - 2 points
 F - 0 points F - 0 points


A numerical average is used to determine the class rank and to select the valedictorian and salutatorian.

To be eligible for valedictorian and salutatorian, a student must have taken the last four (4) semesters of work at Cathedral.

For Honor Roll Average purposes and for Class Rank average purposes only, a sum of six (6) points will be added for each Honors course, and a sum of ten (10) points will be added for each Advanced Placement Course.