Philosophy & Objectives


As a Catholic co-educational school, we support the teaching of the Roman Catholic Bishops of the United States in their pastoral letter, “To Teach as Jesus Did.” The teachings state that educa­tion of the young is fundamentally the responsibility of the home. Thus, it is the function of the school to complement, to reinforce, and to extend the Christian development begun within the home:

  1. Through communication between home and school regarding the progress of students and the expectation of parents and school;
  2. Through staff awareness of the obligation to remain abreast of current trends in education; 
  3. Through challenges which encourage students to continue their development beyond the boundaries of home and school; and
  4. Through opportunities for parent continuing education.

We hold that Cathedral’s first responsibility is to be an expression of a Christian community in which we strive to love one another with the love  Jesus said would be the sign of His followers. Therefore, each member of the Cathedral family hopes to create by word and example a Christian center for learning: 

  1. By providing an atmosphere in which faith is fostered through liturgies, religion classes, retreats, and service projects. Also, by displaying visible signs of our faith such as the crucifix and other religious symbols throughout the school. 
  2. By cultivating through word and example a respect for the person’s rights, and properties of others, and for the religious beliefs of others. 
  3. By encouraging everyone to greater love by fostering acceptance of one another, by community solidarity and lasting friendships.

We accept that a Christian center of learning brings responsibility: 

  1. By meeting our individual responsibilities with a maturity that elicits trust; 
  2. By guiding individuals and groups in relating consequences to choices.

Students are individuals with varying needs and learning abilities; therefore, we endeavor to offer a variety of experiences both inside and outside the classroom in order to help them realize their potential; and 

   10.  By making available to the student a range of academic and extra-curricular choices to allow every student an opportunity for growth.


Knowing that all good work can only be successfully completed with Divine Assistance, we place our trust in God.